Our job at Seasonality.Ai is to provide analysis that is insightful and actionable.
We analyze all recurring price patterns from seasonalities and events like the release of economic key figures or stock gains and then use a rule-based quantitative approach to apply this analysis to portfolios. Find our latest studies here.
When we started trading a few years ago, we quickly realized that timing is crucial for success. For this reason, we have developed analysis tools that show us better entry and exit times.
When presenting our trading approaches and strategies, we have repeatedly received requests for customers to use our tools. Therefore, we have offered our analysis software as a web version.
Only a constant improvement of the analyses brings an advantage in stock market trading and investment. For this reason, we are interested in any feedback on how our tools can be improved for you.
If you have any suggestions or questions about our company or products, please email us at contact@seasonality.ai.
Best regards
Your Seasonality.Ai Team
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