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Seasonal Trading

Seasonality.Ai - New Features - Compare and search your list of instruments.

Better trading decisions thanks to Seasonality and advantage through technology.


We are pleased to provide you with a new and beneficial feature on that will improve your profitability by helping you simplify your search for seasonal patterns and compare seasonal patterns.

Our platform is specialised in identifying and analyzing seasonal patterns. This includes regularly re-evaluating our tools and providing improvements.

Compare and search your list of instruments

Compare and search the stocks and instruments of your choice. You want to better optimize your portfolio or watchlist for seasonality. Then you can do it now at

With your watchlists, you can specifically search for seasonal patterns and add them to your favorites. This way, you can keep track of the best seasonal patterns to make your portfolio and trading profitable.

The following options are available:

  • Screener Watchlists
  • With Screener Watchlists, you can search individual lists of instruments for seasonal patterns.
  • Comparison Watchlists
  • With Comparison Watchlists, you can compare the seasonal patterns of several instruments of your choice.

Create and fill watchlists

You can create watchlists under the menu item "Watchlists & Favorites" and fill them with instruments.

You can create watch lists for the Seasonality Screener. A maximum of 100 instruments per watchlist is possible.

You can create watchlists for the Seasonality Comparison. A maximum of 30 instruments per watchlist is possible.

You can also fill your existing watchlists in the Seasonality Analyser by analyzing a symbol of your choice and then clicking the "Watchlist" button in the menu bar. Then, a window will open where you can add the instrument to one or more watchlists.

Watchlists Screening

In the Seasonality Screener, you can select an existing watchlist site and search for seasonal patterns.

Identifying the best seasonal patterns for your portfolio has always been challenging.

Compare Watchlists

In the Seasonality Comparison, you can find your watchlists in the dropdown, which provides the predefined symbol bundle.

It has always been challenging to compare the seasonal patterns of your portfolio or your wish list of stocks.

We are happy to continue optimizing our platform for the greatest possible added value.

For more information and analysis, visit Seasonality.Ai.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email us.